Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Module 2 Elements of Distance Education Diffusion

Communication has experienced tremendous changes in the last few decades. The world wide expansion of the Internet has allowed people around the world to take advantage of distance education and achieve advanced degrees. Wireless connections have made this possible in many remote regions of the world.

Jayna (2010) stated that, “now with technology being more advanced, we can interact even more. Being active on forums such as, will also give you more connections on your online presence.” With the recent trend of technological advance, distance learning is becoming more recognized for its potential in providing individualized attention and communication with students internationally (Richard, D., 2009)

Tools that may be used for communication via the Internet are emails, discussion boards, chat rooms, skype, and iPads.


Jayna, B. (2010).  Increasing your online presence in distance learning. Retrieved from

Richard, D. (2009). Advantage/s of distance learning. Retrieved from


  1. My school is very interested in bringing in the iPad for the students to increase their connectivity and communication. Did you see anything specific to the iPad in your research for the post? I would be interested in reading it.

  2. I do find that wireless internet and communication has enhance education throughout the world. However what happens when that wireless network fails to workout? I have had recent expierences with the exact flaw and while traveling international it is not always easy to find a quick solution.

  3. Sonja,
    I appreciate your post. The one university I work for provides a laptop to their students in order to facilitate learning. I find the iPad to be a nice addition to technology, however, do not think it will yet diffuse as a tool for students in higher education just yet. Currently, it feels more like something that is a "nice to have" rather than a "need to have". I guess it will depend on how the use of it develops over the next few years as a need in education. Don't get me wrong, I think it is phenomenal as far as technology is concerned and have contemplated getting one. I have a Mac and find it has been better suited to my needs as a student. I couldn't live without it!
    Thank you,

  4. Sonja: Communications is an important part of today's distance education process. The Module 2 question also asked that you consider how communications can provide "effective learning experiences and giving distance education an identity of its own distinct from F2F courses". Do you have any ideas about this part of the discussion.
